Supernatural Selection Episode Archive
Stay a while and listen to these completely free, supernaturally entertaining episodes.
Justified and Ancient - The KLF and Discordianism
In our sequel to Discordianism, Kevin takes us through the bizarre story of the KLF and it’s ties to magical thinking and Discordianism.
Episode Outline:
Cogito Ergo Doleo
Find more info about the show at https://www.supernaturalselectionpod.com/
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Theme music by FC Music Studios - https://soundbetter.com/profiles/408824-fc-music-studios
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Spooky Dice Bag: https://spookydicebag.com/
Hail Discordia!
Have you seen the fnords? Join us as Kevin takes us into the fascinating world of Discordianism! Philosophy, religion, and joke all at once. It’s a fun look into something you probably didn’t know has already affected your life!
Show Notes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1R51Mg1WJDQDis6Rzb6uVTVPiO6DbPLC5-KSmLxCSicg/edit?usp=sharing
Week in Weird 02-10-23
It’s the Week in Weird and this week we recorded live for our discord community! We shared some of their thoughts in the episode so check it out for the peanut gallery!